Pengalaman seperti kita (ibu-ibu breastfeeding) >_< ..sangat cute..
: Bayi lapar
Step 2: Position the baby in the cross hold, football hold or lay facing the baby
: Posisi bayi sama ada cross hold,football hold atau posisi menghadap.
Step 3: The baby opens her mouth in a wide and polite way, the tongue covering the lower gumline. She may look at you in an adoring way with those huge trusting beautiful blue eyes.
: Bayi membuka mulut dengan luas dan sopan lidah yang meliputi gumline yang lebih rendah.
dia mungkin melihat anda dengan begitu mengasyikkan.
Step 4: Pinch the areola and gently guide it into the baby’s mouth.
: Picit perlahan lahan aerola ke dalam mulut bayi.
Step 5: The baby sucks. The baby sucks really freaking hard, as hard as one of those hot tub drains that can kill you it sucks so hard.
: Bayi menghisap dengan begitu kuat ..sehingga terasa sakitnya.
Step 6: Scream in pain
: Menjerit dalam kesakitan.
Step 7: The baby startles, simultaneously biting down and jerking her head back before letting go in order to scream like a caged bobcat and frantically stuff her hands in her mouth because you are such a nipple wuss she is starving to death.
Step 8: Repeat from Step 1.
Translate mengikut pemahaman saya ea..just sharing >_<